aspirazione, Virdex News

Pizza and Condensation

Some time ago we discussed the unsolvable dispute regarding ovens, which divides both those who make pizza and those who simply eat it:

Wood vs Electric.

Turning the discussion to aspiration, we find what is perhaps a plus point for the electric oven: the condensation hood.

Why a plus point? Well, unless there are particular situations, the Condensation Hood by Aluminox does not require an external flue!

I will try to explain how it works briefly: the smoke that comes out when the oven door opens, or from its vents, is sucked in from the front.

Here there are a mesh filter and Viledon synthetic filters, the first obstacle for particulates.

The air passes over the evaporator (very similar to that of a common refrigerator), where the heat exchange takes place: the vapor then becomes condensation, in a liquid state.

The liquid goes directly to the water drain, while the remaining vapour is pushed upwards by a fan. Here is the plenum, with a sort of “sandwich” inside made of a carbon filter inside two Viledon filters. From here, the clean smoke can be expelled through a window or returned to the room.

Enjoy your pizza, then.

And if you run a pizzeria, and you intend to install (and enjoy) a condensing hood for your electric oven… contact Aluminox!

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