cateringequipment, Virdex News

A pretty expenive Salt Cellar

The most valuable tableware article ever?
A salt cellar!

Well, perhaps it is more appropriate to speak of sculpture, despite the small containers for salt and pepper make it a functional salt cellar for all practical purposes.

Designed and created by the Italian artist Benvenuto Cellini for the King of France Francis I, it is mostly made of ebony, gold and ivory.

The two sculpted characters represent the goddess Ceres (holding a Cornucopia, symbol of abundance) and Neptune (with his inseparable pitchfork).

The goddess of the earth crosses her legs with the god of the seas, and salt is produced from their union.

Other secondary figures appear under the two gods: the Aurora (goddess of dawn), the Day, the Twilight and the Night. And four busts of young people representing the winds.

All adorned with lilies, symbols of the crown of France.

If you want to admire this beauty, you can go to the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna (Austria).

If you want to buy some kitchenware, I’m sorry but I don’t sell any.

Still I can provide you with catering equipment which is works of art!

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