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AI’s cooking today!

Is AI capable of cooking?

First thing first: a distinction has to be made between the creation of a recipe and its practical execution.

Ironically, the most used analogy to define the algorithm is precisely the “recipe”: the ingredients are the inputs; the various steps of cutting, blending and whatnot are part of a follow-chart; and, eventually, the goals to achieve.

Therefore, it is a more than obvious consequence that creating a recipe is bread and butter to AI.

Yeah, the terrible pun was intended.

Anyhoo… what kind of results come out of it?

On a viral video on YouTube, chef Joshua Weissman challenged AI to write three recipes: burgers, fried chicken and chocolate chip cookies. The panel of tasters (blindfolded, of course) decreed a landslide victory for the human chef.

Considering that it was the human who organized the challenge and posted it on his YouTube channel, well, I would have been surprised at a different outcome!

But now, the second question: can AI physically create a recipe?

An experiment was carried out by a team of researchers from the University of Cambridge, led by Dr Grzegorz Sochacki.

A robot chef, not initially programmed for the task, was shown 8 recipe videos (simple videos, created precisely for this purpose).

The robot managed to decipher the processes and ingredients with some success: out of 16 videos viewed, the robot recognized the correct recipe in 93% of cases, understanding the actions of the human chef in 83% of cases, in addition to having grasped nuances such as slight variations and errors in dosages.

Finally, the robot managed to create a recipe from scratch, taking advantage of Incremental Learning.

So? Do we fire all the chefs in the world and let AI cook?

Oh no… the system is still at a rudimentary level.

As Dr. Sochacki pointed out:

“The robot has done it on a rather limited scale and with a limited variety of dishes”.

And said dishes were salads, certainly not some sort of “haute cuisine”.

Besides that, the system wouldn’t be able, at this stage, to follow a more complicated video-recipe, like the ones you can find on the net.

So, let’s sum it up: this is a great starting point.
Still, there is much more to a dish than just an algorithm.

Creativity, emotions and instinct are not the preserve of computers.

At least, not yet…

Anyway:  if you work in catering and/or hospitalityindustry and you are interested in my #copywriting and/or #contentwriting services, just DM me!

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