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Laughter, laughter, mom made gnocchi for supper!

There is an old Italian saying which reads: “Ridi ridi, che la mamma ha fatto gli gnocchi!“.

My attempt at a translation would be:
Laughter, laughter, mom made gnocchi for supper!.

It is usually said to those who laugh loudly in a childish way, or at things that are out of place.
Sometimes, it is also used as “he who laughs last laughs loudest”.

However, the origins of the saying are blurred.

There are those who trace the phrase back to moments of poverty, when a plate of gnocchi that perhaps broke a strict diet was bearer of joy.

Well, I don’t think so.

At the end of the day, gnocchi is a simple, unexpensive dish: all you need is potatoes, flour, oil and grated cheese, at least in its simplest form.

A poor farmer might have got excited for being served pork or some more upper-class fare.

I rather think it’s a proverb that simply plays on nonsense and on the metaphor that a fool who laughs out of place looks like a child who laughs because there’s his favorite pasta for dinner.

Personally, I like the laughter of a child more than that of an idiot.

And I like gnocchi in all ways. Even with just oil and grated parmesan, like the ones in the picture!

Cooked with Inox Bim equipment, preferably!

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