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Campi’s kitchen

This is what a professional kitchen must have looked like in 1580.

Two men quarter a calf, two women make pasta with a rolling pin, a boy spear a chicken on a skewer, a woman cooks over a high heat, another woman follows a recipe with eggs (so it seems), an elderly lady uses a mortar larger than her own arm, yet another woman plucks an animal that was strange and exotic at the time, the turkey.

And then, a child who playfully blows inside a pig’s bladder and a dog fighting over the entrails with a cat that looks like an armadillo.

In the background, the table about to be set (but I would not bet on the correctness of the perspective).

What a mess, huh?

The painting is called The Kitchen, created by Vincenzo Campi.

For those wishing to admire it (along with many other works of art), they can go to the Pinacoteca Brera, Milan.

On the other hand, those who want to make their professional kitchen look more tidy and clean, can get in touch with me!

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