cateringequipment, pasta, Virdex News

The priest-chokers

Fancy some priest-chokers?

There are many types of pasta, with the most peculiar and imaginative names.
But perhaps no one like the strozzaprete, literally translated into “priest-choker”, typical of Central Italy.

The origin of this name is not known with certainty. Some think it comes from women’s “wish” for clerics to choke on it when they used to stop by the house to collect the rent (before the Unification, the Church ruled over a large portion of central Italy).

Others derive this name from the proverbial voracity of the priests, so greedy and gluttonous that they frantically eat to the point of suffocating.

Another hypothesis, less violent, is that the name derives from the particular way of pinching the dough during the preparation of this type of pasta.

Well, speaking of pasta, I do have some excellent equipment to make it.
Also, don’t choke people.

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