Virdex News

Eating like a king!

We must’ve heard the adage “Eating like a King” a million of times or so.

Although normally we would think this indicates the quality of the food rather than the quantity, right?

Well, at least on one occasion, that wasn’t the case.

The year is 888 AD (easy to remember, isn’t it?), and the Kingdom of the West Franks is vacant.

Two nobles are candidates: Guy, Duke of Spoleto and Odo, Count of Paris.

The dispute, as was customary at that time, was made with alliances, betrayals and now and again some bloodshed.

But there is still a fun fact that a chronicler who lived a century later, Adémar de Chabannes, tells us: Guy was rejected by the voters when they found out that he had a very simple and austere diet.

They were actually quite upset about it.

So upset they dismissed him on the grounds that whoever eats so little is not worthy to be our king.

The moral is: eat well, the rules for choosing kings have changed.

And keep me in mind if you want to buy some proper catering equipment (excellent for both nobles and commoners)

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