cateringequipment, pizza, Virdex News

Pizza and inflation

Saying Pizza is a kind of food is an underestimation.

Well, ok, considering where I come from, I might be biased, right.

But let me tell you this:

For almost 40 years, since 1960 till the end of the Century, in New York City you could predict the raising of the subway ticket just looking at the price of a regular pizza slice.

This phenomenon was called “Pizza link“.

The average price of a tomato and mozzarella slice and a subway ride had been being in correlation for 40 years, despite there’s no immediate logic link between them.
Better said, despite there’s no logic link whatsoever.

By a funny coincidence, the increase of one price will be followed by the increase of the other.

So, pizza isn’t just food.
But also a reliable measure for inflation.

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